Palm.Net Discontinued: The Palm.Net service is
discontinued as of August 31, 2004. Any information in
this manual pertaining to Palm.Net, PQAs (web
clipping applications), MyPalm and the WAP Browser
is not applicable after that date. For wireless email and
web browsing, we recommend you migrate to a
palmOne smartphone.
upgrade to a new solution.
Getting Started with
Palm™ i700 Series
Congratulations! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Palm™ Desktop software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Applications on your handheld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Frequently asked questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
My web browser crashed during activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
I don’t have an activation key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
I don’t see anything on my handheld screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Troubleshooting HotSync communication problems. . . . . . . 23
Troubleshooting data synchronization problems . . . . . . . . . . 24
Troubleshooting wireless problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
The HotSync Cradle doesn’t attach to my computer . . . . . . . 26
My computer doesn’t have a CD-ROM drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Your new Palm™ i700 series handheld is wirelessly enabled so that
you can use it to transmit and receive information over the airwaves.
Use your handheld to do the following:
Receive secure business e-mail wherever you are, and rely on your
handheld’s blinking indicator light, vibrator, or alarm to notify you
of its arrival.
Set filters and notification preferences so that you determine what
e-mail is forwarded from your desktop.
Read, compose, and send e-mail on the go.
Access the Internet and view content formatted for viewing on
your handheld, or browse or search the Internet.
Stay organized and on time by keeping your appointments, contact
information, and to do items in one place.
Quickly jot notes or memos on the fly.
Before you can use these features, you must set up your handheld,
install software on your desktop computer, activate your wireless
account, and activate your handheld.
System requirements
To install and operate Palm™ Desktop software, your computer
system must meet the following requirements:
Minimum requirements: Windows computers
IBM-compatible Pentium-class computer
Windows 95/98/ME/NT 4.0/2000/XP (Windows 95/NT 4.0
operating systems require a serial cradle/cable, sold separately;
2000/XP users must have administrator rights to install
Palm Desktop software)
30 MB available hard disk space
VGA monitor or better (16 Bit or High Color, and 800 x 600
resolution recommended)
Before you begin: tips for successful installation
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive (you can also download
One available USB port or serial port (serial cradle/cable sold
Minimum requirements: Mac computers
Mac computer or compatible with a PowerPC processor
Mac OS 8.6 to 9.x (9 or 9.1 required to receive updates to the
MyPalm™ mobile portal)
25 MB available hard disk space
6 MB available RAM
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive (you can also download
One available USB port or serial port (serial cradle/cable sold
Internet Access
For easiest activation of your wireless account, and to install
Palm™ MultiMail® Deluxe Desktop Link, and receive updates to the
MyPalm mobile portal, your desktop computer must have the
A modem or LAN connection
An account with an Internet service provider, or Internet service
provided by your company
A web browser
Before you begin: tips for successful installation
Please review the following items before attempting installation and
activation. Some conditions apply only if you already own a Palm OS®
handheld, and you are upgrading to your new Palm™ i700 series
Step 1: Connect the HotSync® cradle
(If upgrading) Before you install new software, perform a
HotSync® operation using your old handheld and cradle. This
ensures all data on your handheld is synchronized to your desktop
For successful operation of your Palm i700 series handheld, you
must install the version of Palm Desktop software that
accompanies the handheld. Look for the Palm Installation CD-
If you encounter difficulties, reread the installation steps, paying
close attention to the notes and tips designed to help you through
the process.
For additional support information, go to:
Step 1: Connect the HotSync® cradle
Shut down and turn off your computer.
Plug the USB connector into a USB port on
your computer.
Connect the power cord that attaches to the
back of the cradle’s USB port connector to
the AC adapter cord.
Plug the AC adapter into any AC current
Step 2: Charge your handheld
Just place your handheld in the cradle for one hour for an initial
charge. Once your handheld is set up and in daily use, place it in the
cradle for a few minutes each day to recharge it to full capacity. Your
handheld’s indicator light displays solid green when it is recharging.
NOTE To remove the handheld from the cradle, gently rock it forward
and then lift it from the cradle.
Step 3: Set up your handheld
Step 3: Set up your handheld
The Setup screen appears when you press the
power button. Just follow the onscreen
Step 4: Install software
You must install the i705 Palm™ Desktop
software to use this product. Insert the Palm
Installation CD into your computer’s
CD-ROM drive and follow the onscreen
instructions. If upgrading, select your
existing user name to ensure that your
existing data gets synchronized to your new
handheld during the next HotSync®
Steps 5 through 9 guide you through the
process of installing Palm Desktop software,
registering for a wireless account, selecting
a service plan, and downloading Palm™
MultiMail® Deluxe Desktop Link.
Step 5: Perform a HotSync® operation
When prompted, just place your handheld
in the cradle and press the HotSync®
Step 6: Establish wireless service
NOTE If you are using a serial cradle, remember to change the HotSync
Manager settings. Click the HotSync icon on the Windows system tray,
and then select Local Serial.
Mac computers: In some cases, you might see a dialog box asking for
your MyPalm™ Username and Password before you have completed
installation. Choose Cancel to dismiss the dialog box and continue
Step 6: Establish wireless service
As the first HotSync® operation completes, the installer launches a
web browser on your desktop and opens the Activation web page
will establish your wireless account, select a service plan, provide
billing information, and set up your Palm™ wireless e-mail account.
New users or deactivated Palm VII/VIIx users: Click Sign up.
Activated Palm VII/VIIx users: Log in using your existing Palm.Net®
Username and Password. If your service is active, you must also check
the box that identifies you as a Palm VII/VIIx user.
NOTE Do not check the “Palm.Net User?” check box unless you are
upgrading from an activated Palm VII/VIIx handheld.
NOTE If you do not have Internet access, call Customer Care to set up
your wireless account. You must provide your handheld’s hardware
serial number, which is printed on the back panel of the handheld.
IMPORTANT When you complete registration, you receive an activation
key that you need to activate wireless service on your handheld.
Make a note of your activation key here:_____________________________
TIP If you accidentally close your browser before noting your activation
MobileReg?func=i705-Register. Enter the Username and Password you
selected when you established wireless service, and then click Login.
Follow the onscreen instructions to retrieve your activation key.
Step 7: Activate your handheld
Step 7: Activate your handheld
In the Applications Launcher, tap the
Activate icon. A dialog box will appear
asking you to turn on the radio. Tap Yes,
and wait thirty seconds. Then, follow the
onscreen instructions.
Enter the Activation Key you received when
you established your wireless account.
Activation also configures MultiMail® Deluxe to
work with your Palm™ wireless e-mail account.
At the Activation Successful screen, you receive password and account
information about your wireless services. Record that information here:
MyPalm™ Username: ______________________
MyPalm Password: _______________________
Palm wireless e-mail account name: _________________________
IMPORTANT Perform a HotSync operation when prompted to complete
NOTE In some cases, you might see a dialog box asking for your
MyPalm Username and Password before you have completed
installation. Choose Cancel to dismiss the dialog box and continue
TIP To get the best radio signal, hold your handheld vertically.
Step 8: Update the mobile portal
As the HotSync® operation completes, you will be able to choose an
option that updates the features of the MyPalm™ mobile portal
The MyPalm mobile portal on your handheld is much like a portal site
on the Internet. It allows you to quickly and wirelessly access Internet
content by channel, and it specially formats content for viewing on a
handheld. When you elect to receive updates to the mobile portal, the
update process initiates an Internet connection each time you perform
Step 9: Install Palm™ MultiMail® Deluxe Desktop Link
a HotSync operation. If a newer version of the MyPalm mobile portal
is found, it replaces the current version on your handheld during the
HotSync operation.
Step 9: Install Palm™ MultiMail® Deluxe Desktop Link
Palm™ MultiMail® Deluxe Desktop Link securely forwards e-mail
from Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 or 2000 with Microsoft Outlook 98
and higher. When your handheld receives forwarded e-mail, it notifies
you by blinking the red indicator light at paired intervals, vibrating, or
sounding an alarm. At the bottom of the Activation web page, you will
see a link that you can click to download Palm MultiMail Deluxe
Desktop Link.
TIP For complete information about Palm MultiMail Deluxe Desktop
Link, download MultiMail Desktop Link Handbook from
printing this book prior to installation and keeping it for reference.
IMPORTANT You must complete installation of Palm™ Desktop software
and activation before downloading Palm MultiMail Deluxe Desktop Link.
After activation, download Palm MultiMail Deluxe Desktop Link to your
computer’s hard drive, and then open the downloaded file and follow the
instructions to install Palm MultiMail Deluxe Desktop Link on your
computer. Make sure you install it on the same computer you use to
access your business e-mail. You can also download Palm MultiMail
Did you upgrade from another Palm OS handheld?
If you upgraded and did not create a new user name for your new
handheld, your new handheld and your old handheld now have the
same user name. We strongly recommend that you perform a hard
reset on your old handheld to erase all data from it and assign it a new
user name during the next HotSync operation. See the electronic
Handbook for details.
You’ve set up your handheld, installed Palm™ Desktop software,
established your wireless account, activated your handheld, and
installed additional wireless components. For more information about
using your handheld, see the following:
This guide, Getting Started with Palm™ i700 Series Handhelds,
provides instructions on performing basic tasks on your handheld.
The electronic Handbook for Palm™ i700 Series Handhelds provides
comprehensive documentation for your handheld. (If you don’t
have Acrobat Reader, install it from the Palm Installation
Windows computers. From the Help menu of Palm Desktop
software, choose Handbook.
Mac computers. Open the Palm folder, and then open the
Documentation folder. Double-click the file Handbook.pdf
For more information about using Palm Desktop software, see the following:
The Windows tutorial for Palm Desktop software, Quick Tour. To
access this tutorial, go to the Help menu in Palm Desktop software
and choose Quick Tour.
The electronic Palm Desktop Software for the Macintosh User’s Guide.
To access this guide, open the Palm folder, and then open the
Documentation folder. Double-click the file Palm Desktop.pdf.
The online help for Palm Desktop software. To access the online
help, go to the Help menu in Palm Desktop software.
Front panel of the Palm™ i700 series handheld
Front panel of the Palm™ i700 series handheld
Antenna Cap
Red and Green
indicator light
Enables your handheld to
wirelessly access the internet,
and send and receive
Indicates within or
out of range for
and notifies you of
incoming e-mail, as
well as Clock, Date
Book, and Note Pad
Graffiti® writing
Graffiti writing is a
simple method of
writing letters,
numbers, and
Scroll buttons
Press the top
button to scroll
up and the
bottom button to
scroll down.
Tap to see all
Power button/
Backlight control
Press here to turn
your handheld on
and off. Hold it
down for a few
seconds to turn on
the backlight.
Date Book
Application buttons
Back panel of the Palm™ i700 series handheld
Back panel of the Palm™ i700 series handheld
IR port
Beam data from your handheld to
another Palm OS® handheld.
The tool for
everything you
do on the
handheld. Use it
to write Graffiti
characters, tap
icons and
buttons and
menu items,
select text, drag
the scroll bar,
and so on.
Universal connector
Expansion card slot
Increase the space
available for data and
Your handheld’s connection to the
HotSync® cradle/cable, and also to
a modem, portable keyboard, and
other accessories that are sold
Expansion card
A tiny expansion card (sold separately) increases the variety of tasks
you can do and the amount of space you have to store software and
data on your handheld.
Expansion card
To insert a card:
1. Insert the card in the direction shown by the icon.
2. Push the card in with your thumb. You feel the card lock and hear
the system sound.
To remove a card:
1. Push lightly against the card with your thumb.
2. When the card is released, you hear the system sound.
When a card is seated in the expansion
slot, its name appears in the upper-right
corner of the Applications Launcher,
and its contents appear onscreen, as
shown to the right. When you want to
go back to the applications on your handheld, tap the name of the
expansion card, and then tap All in the pick list.
Use the Card Info application to see general information about the
expansion card, rename it, and format it.
Keep the expansion card slot clean. Leave the dummy card in the slot
when you are not using an expansion card.
Using the indicator light
Using the indicator light
The indicator light at the top of the handheld blinks to indicate the
following status levels:
No light
Radio is off.
Green light flashes every
5 seconds
Radio is on and transmitter is within range.
Red light flashes every
5 seconds
Radio is on, but transmitter is out of range.
You need to move to another area to bring
the transmitter within range.
Red light flashes at
paired intervals
A notification that e-mail or other content
has been received, or that a Date Book/Note
Pad/Clock event alarm has occurred.
A dialog box appears describing the reason
for notification. Acknowledging the
notification turns off the indicator light.
Graffiti® writing area and surrounding icons
Graffiti® writing area and surrounding icons
Tap Clock to see the time, set an
alarm, change the time and date.
Tap Contrast to improve
screen contrast using slider.
When writing Graffiti
characters, write
letters on the left,
numbers on the right.
Tap to open the
Launcher. All
your applications
are listed there.
Tap to open your
Tap to see
menus in
Tap to find text in
all applications.
applications that
have them.
Tap abc and 123 to
display onscreen
keyboards. Then tap
characters to enter text.
Tap here to display
alphabetic keyboard.
Tap here to display
numeric keyboard.
Tap here to display
international keyboard.
Graffiti® writing area and surrounding icons
Graffiti writing
The best way to learn is to practice. To take the Graffiti tutorial on your
handheld, tap the Graffiti icon in the Applications Launcher.
Most Graffiti characters are
made with a single stroke of
the stylus.
2. Don’t lift the stylus until
you reach the end of the
1. Start the stroke where
the heavy dot is. Don’t try
to make the dot; just start
Some characters require a
preliminary stroke. For
example, to write a
quotation mark, tap once
and then make the Graffiti
stroke for n.
Basic Graffiti characters (there are many more)
Characters do not show up in the Graffiti writing area, but on the
handheld screen, wherever the blinking cursor is located in the
record you’re working on.
Write Graffiti characters BIG, and write at normal speed.
Press firmly with the stylus.
You can see tables displaying all Graffiti characters simply by
drawing the pen stroke: starting from the bottom center of the
Graffiti writing area, drag the stylus to draw a straight, imaginary
line to the top of the screen.
Beaming information
You can write Graffiti characters in the Graffiti writing area even
when a keyboard is displayed. This makes it easy to switch
between Graffiti writing and keyboard entry.
Drag to top of screen
Beaming information
The IR (infrared) port on your handheld can beam information to
another Palm OS handheld that’s close by and also has an IR port.
You can beam the following information:
The record or category of records currently displayed in Address
Book, Date Book, Memo Pad, Note Pad, or To Do List.
An application in RAM memory or on an expansion card.
An Address Book record designated as your business card. To
designate the record, simply select the record, tap the Menu icon,
tap Select Business Card, and then tap Yes to confirm. To beam
your business card, hold down the Address Book button for two
Beaming information
For best results, handhelds should be between 10 centimeters (about 4
inches) and 1 meter (about 39 inches) apart, and the path between the
two handhelds must be clear of obstacles.
To beam:
To receive beamed information:
1. Display what you want to
1. Turn on your handheld.
beam onscreen.
2. (Optional) Tap the category
pick list and select where you
want the information to be
stored on your handheld.
2. Tap the Menu icon.
3. In the menu that drops down,
tap the Beam command.
Before you move your handhelds out of beaming position, wait for
the Beam Status dialog box to indicate that the transfer is complete.
Palm™ Desktop software
Palm™ Desktop software
Here are four important reasons why you should use Palm™ Desktop
Synchronize to keep your data safe. Develop the habit of performing
frequent HotSync® operations. Then, should anything happen to your
handheld, you have a copy of your data in Palm Desktop software.
Enter data in an application on your computer. Then perform a
HotSync operation. The data shows up in the corresponding
application on your handheld, and data from the handheld shows up
in the appropriate application in Palm Desktop software.
Applications on your handheld
Download Palm applications from the web to the Palm\Add-on folder
on your computer. Then:
Windows computers. Click the Install Tool icon.
Mac computers. From the HotSync menu, choose Install Handheld
On either platform, add the application to the Install Tool list and
indicate whether the application is to be loaded on your handheld
or an expansion card. Then perform a HotSync operation. The
application is loaded onto your handheld or expansion card.
Consult the electronic Handbook. Adobe Acrobat Reader opens the
comprehensive documentation for your handheld. (If you do not have
Acrobat Reader, install it from the CD-ROM labeled Palm Desktop
software.) To open the Handbook, do one of the following:
Windows computers. From the Help menu of Palm Desktop
software, choose Handbook.
Mac computers. Open the Palm folder, and then open the
Documentation folder. Double-click the file Handbook.pdf.
The Handbook table of contents is located in the pane on the left side of
Acrobat Reader. To jump to a section of the book, click the section in
the table of contents. You can also click Index to find what you’re
looking for; then click the index entry to jump to the page.
Applications on your handheld
Use the applications on your handheld to organize names and
address, schedule important meetings, query the Internet for
information, or send and receive e-mail. Complete descriptions of all
the applications are in the electronic Handbook.
Applications on your handheld
Address Book. Keep names, addresses, phone numbers, and
other information about your personal and business contacts.
Enter a last name on the Look Up line to jump to that name.
Date Book. Schedule appointments or any activity associated
with a time and date. A diamond marks an untimed event. Tap
icons in the lower-left corner to see events in the Day, Week,
Month, or Agenda view.
Frequently asked questions
Wireless. Use the MyPalm™ mobile portal to query the Internet
for information specially formatted for viewing on your
handheld. Also, browse and search for information.
MultiMail® Deluxe. Wirelessly receive personal or business e-
mail and respond to it from remote locations. Set filters so that
you only receive the mail you want. Use up to eight e-mail
Frequently asked questions
If you encounter a problem, try the following:
The suggestions included in this section.
The suggestions in the “Frequently Asked Questions” appendix of
the electronic Handbook, accessible from Palm Desktop software.
The Support pages at
Frequently asked questions
If your problem persists, contact Technical Support. For US and
International telephone numbers, see
Third-party applications. There are thousands of third-party
applications available for Palm OS® handhelds. For questions and
support, please contact the software developer directly.
My web browser crashed during activation
Try these steps in turn:
MobileReg?func=i705-Register. Logon and enter necessary
2. Perform a HotSync® operation.
3. Insert the Palm Installation CD-ROM into your computer’s
CD-ROM drive. Rerun the installation process.
I don’t have an activation key
Try these steps in turn:
Logon and enter necessary information.
2. Insert the Palm Installation CD-ROM into your computer’s
CD-ROM drive. Rerun the installation process.
I don’t see anything on my handheld screen
1. Press an application button to ensure your handheld is turned on.
2. Tap the Contrast icon
in the upper-right corner of the Graffiti®
writing area. If the Contrast dialog box appears, adjust the contrast
by holding down the Up scroll button for a few seconds. If this
doesn’t work, hold the Down scroll button for a few seconds.
3. Make sure the battery is properly charged.
4. Perform a soft reset. Use the reset tip tool which unscrews from the
barrel of the stylus to gently press the reset button on the back of
your handheld.
5. If your handheld still doesn’t turn on, perform a hard reset by
holding down the power button while doing a soft reset. Wait for
Frequently asked questions
the Palm Powered™ logo to appear, and then release the power
button. If you want to continue and erase all your data, press the
Up scroll button.
IMPORTANT With a hard reset, all records and entries stored in your
handheld are erased. Never perform a hard reset unless a soft reset
does not solve your problem. You can restore any data previously
synchronized with your computer during the next HotSync operation.
See the electronic Handbook for instructions on restoring your data.
I can’t complete a HotSync operation
The first step in diagnosing HotSync problems is to determine if your
handheld and computer are able to communicate with each other.
1. Place your handheld in the HotSync cradle.
2. Confirm that HotSync Manager is running and enabled.
Windows computers. On the Windows desktop, double-click the
Palm Desktop icon, click the HotSync icon ™ on the taskbar and
make sure Local (USB or Serial, depending on the kind of
connection you use) is checked on the menu. If not, click it to insert
a check mark.
Mac computers. Double-click the HotSync Manager icon in the
Palm folder. Click the HotSync Controls tab and make sure the
Enabled option is selected.
3. Press the HotSync button
on the cradle.
If the HotSync Progress dialog box does not appear, your handheld
and computer are not communicating. See “Troubleshooting
HotSync communication problems” later in this section.
If the HotSync Progress dialog box appears, your handheld and
computer are communicating. See “Troubleshooting data
synchronization problems” later in this section.
Frequently asked questions
Troubleshooting HotSync communication problems
Check your connections:
1. Check the contact points on your handheld and on the HotSync
cradle and make sure they are clean and free from obstruction.
2. Make sure that your handheld is seated firmly in the HotSync
3. Check the HotSync cradle connection on the back of your
computer to make sure it is properly attached.
4. Press the HotSync button on the cradle to perform a HotSync
If your problem persists, check your handheld settings.
Check your handheld settings:
1. Turn on your handheld and tap the Applications icon
2. Tap the HotSync icon
3. Tap Local above the HotSync icon and select Cradle/Cable from
the pick list below the HotSync icon.
4. Tap the HotSync icon to perform a HotSync operation.
If your problem persists, check your computer settings.
Check your Windows computer settings:
1. Right-click the My Computer icon on your Desktop and choose
2. Click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.
3. Click the plus sign (+) next to Ports.
If the port you are using for the HotSync cradle shows an
exclamation point, you have a hardware conflict. To resolve this,
consult the documentation that came with your computer.
4. Click the HotSync icon
on the Windows system tray and choose
5. Click the Local tab and make sure the Serial port setting matches
the port where you connected the HotSync cradle.
6. From the Speed list, choose the 9600 setting.
Frequently asked questions
7. Click OK and perform a HotSync operation. If you are still
experiencing problems, complete steps 8 and 9.
8. Click the HotSync icon on the taskbar and choose Exit.
9. Restart HotSync Manager by selecting Start, Programs,
Palm Desktop, and then HotSync Manager.
NOTE If you get a warning that the port is in use, then either move
your HotSync cradle to a different COM (serial) port or disable the
conflicting device to perform HotSync operations.
Check your Mac computer settings:
1. Double-click the HotSync Manager in the Palm folder.
2. Click the Serial Port Settings tab.
3. Make sure Local is selected and that the port selection matches the
port where your HotSync cradle is attached.
NOTE If you get a warning that the port is in use, then either move
your HotSync cradle to a different port or disable the conflicting
device to perform HotSync operations.
Troubleshooting data synchronization problems
If your data does not appear on your handheld and in the
Palm Desktop software after a HotSync operation, try the steps in this
NOTE If you are attempting to synchronize with applications other than
the Palm Desktop software (for example, Microsoft Outlook or Lotus
Notes) using a third-party conduit, please consult the documentation that
was provided with that conduit.
Check your desktop configuration:
1. Make sure you selected the user name that matches your handheld.
2. Make sure the date on your computer matches the date on your
Frequently asked questions
Check the HotSync log:
1. Open the HotSync log.
Windows computers. Click the HotSync icon on the Windows
system tray and select View Log from the menu.
Mac computers. Double-click the HotSync Manager in the Palm
folder and choose View Log from the HotSync menu.
2. Ensure that all applications are marked OK. If not, continue to the
next section to check your conduit settings.
Check your conduit settings on a Windows computer:
1. Click the HotSync icon on the Windows system tray and select
2. Select the user name that matches the handheld you are attempting
to synchronize.
3. Ensure that the application conduits (other than Backup and
Install) are set to Synchronize the Files.
Check your conduit settings on a Mac computer:
1. Double-click the HotSync icon in the Palm folder.
2. From the HotSync Manager menu, choose Conduit Settings.
3. Select the user name that matches the handheld you are attempting
to synchronize.
4. Ensure that the application conduits (other than Backup and
Install) are set to Synchronize the Files.
Troubleshooting wireless problems
In general, if you are having difficulty accessing e-mail or a web
clipping application, try again later. Also, check the messages on the
screen and follow the instructions.
Check signal strength:
1. Make sure the radio is on and within range by verifying the
indicator light is flashing green.
2. Verify that the Signal Level icon on the Wireless Preferences screen
shows a strong signal. If the signal is weak, you can monitor the
Frequently asked questions
signal strength using the Signal Strength bar graph while you try
the following solutions:
Move away from your original location, five to ten feet in any
Turn radio off and then on.
If you’re in a tall building or anywhere indoors, stand near a
window, or move outdoors.
Open metal blinds on windows.
If you’re in an underground parking lot, tunnel, subway, or
other space below street level, move to a location above ground.
Change the orientation of your handheld so that you hold it
straight up or down.
Try accessing different wireless applications:
1. Try to access the MyPalm™ mobile portal.
If you can access a view that shows the over the air symbol or a
link, network service is accessible.
2. Try to access a web clipping application from the MyPalm mobile
If you can access the web clipping application, network service is
The HotSync Cradle doesn’t attach to my computer
The HotSync cradle supplied with your handheld fits a USB
connector. If you do not have a USB port available on your computer,
you can order a 9-pin serial cradle and the following types of adapters:
25-pin serial adapter (for use with Windows computers), or a Mac
serial adapter. To order a HotSync cradle or adapters, visit
My computer doesn’t have a CD-ROM drive
Palm Desktop software is supplied on a CD-ROM disc. If you do not
have access to a CD-ROM drive for your computer, you can download
alarm 13
Accessories, attaching 10
Activation 6
Activation key 5
Address Book 19
Adobe Acrobat Reader for
electronic Handbook 18
Agenda view
improving screen visibility 13
in Date Book 19
Graffiti writing 14
onscreen keyboard 13
accessing different wireless 26
Address Book 19
beaming 15
Date Book 19
expansion card 11
Date Book 19
Diamond mark for untimed
event 19
installing 18
third-party 21
Applications Launcher 11, 13
Appointments in Date Book 19
Documentation for handheld 18
the web 18
peripheral hardware 10
number of accounts 20
Entering text
on handheld 13
Expansion card 10
installing applications on 18
slot 10
Backing up your data 17
Business card, creating on
handheld 15
Calculator 13
Card Info for expansion cards 11
beaming 15
expansion card 11
Checking signal strength 25
Finding an address 19
Finding text on handheld 13
Graffiti writing
Looking up an address 19
help for 14
stylus used for 10
table of main characters 14
tutorial 14
Mac computer 18, 22, 25
where to write 13
writing characters 14
Green indicator light 12
Handbook 18
increasing space on 10
resetting 21–22
onscreen keyboard 13
screen problems 21
Hard reset 22
Palm Desktop software 17
connection 10
Portal application 6
Punctuation, Graffiti writing 14
for installing applications 18
local operation on a Mac 22
restoring data after hard
reset 22
transferring data from
computer to handheld 17
problems 22–25
beaming 15
hard reset 22
applications 18
third-party applications 21
International characters, onscreen
keyboard 13
soft reset 21
Returning to handheld
applications from expansion
card 11
browsing or searching 20
querying for information 20
IR port for beaming 10, 15
Scheduling with Date Book 19
contrast 13
problems with 21
external 10
Scroll bar 10
Troubleshooting 20–25
wireless problems 25
Scroll buttons 9
Signal strength 25
Soft reset 21
Stylus 10
Synchronization 17
Universal connector 10
Untimed events in Date Book 19
Tapping to work with handheld
features 10
Week view in Date Book 19
Windows 18, 22, 25
Technical Support 21
Third-party applications on
handheld 21
Writing on handheld 9, 13, 14
Palm, Inc.
5470 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, California 95052
United States of America
PN: 406-4263-01
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